March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Colorectal cancer (CRC) remains the second leading cause of cancer deaths for US men and the third leading cause for women. According the American Cancer Society, it is expected to cause about 50,260 deaths during 2017.1 And yet, if caught early, CRC is highly treatable and survivable. Statistics show that it has a 90% five-year survival rate when discovered in the beginning stages.
Be Proactive to Reduce Your Risk for Developing Colorectal Cancer

It typically takes 10 to 20 years for colorectal cancer to fully develop, which means that if you don’t already have it, there’s plenty you can do to reduce your risk.

Screening. The most powerful preventive measure is to talk to your doctor about screening. Screening has significantly reduced mortality in recent years. Detecting cancer in its earlier stages makes it less complicated to treat and more likely to be cured. There are different methods of screenings which you can discuss with your doctor.

Get Active. There’s abundant evidence showing that moderate activity reduces the risk of colon cancer. The World Cancer Research Fund’s 2010 Continuous Update Project (CUP) Report on colorectal cancer found that excess body fat, especially belly fat, is a risk factor.2

Eat Smart. Diet is known to play a huge role in your health and well-being. That’s because the human body is actually a chemical factory. What you eat is broken down by the digestive system into chemicals (nutrients) that are essential to normal function of every organ, gland and cell. The body uses these nutrients for energy, growth and cell repair. If you lack in proper nutrition, the body begins to break down and cannot protect you from illness or disease.

What to Eat

  • A large portion of your diet should include a variety of vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Eating foods such as these, which are high in fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, gives a boost to the body’s immune system and may play a part in cancer prevention.3
  • Eat plenty of garlic, onions and peppers. Our ancestors used these foods extensively for their many health benefits. Scientific evidence likewise supports eating these plants on a regular basis.4
  • Your body will produce more blood cells that can attack infections and tumors; you can lower cholesterol and blood pressure, increase blood-clot dissolving activity and lower your risk for diabetes and certain cancers, including colon cancer.
  • Drink green tea. Research has found that drinking green tea regularly is associated with a reduced risk of breast, ovarian, colon, prostate and lung cancer.5 Some researchers believe that it contains the most powerful cancer-fighting chemicals ever discovered.

What to Avoid

  • Cut out excess sugar and other refined carbohydrates. Sugar is cancer food. These products basically feed tumors and support cancer growth.
  • Eating too much red meat (beef, pork, and lamb) has been linked to colon cancer.6 Processed meats are shown to increase the risk by twice as much as eating red meat.
  • As much as possible, give up your alcohol habit. According to the CUP Report, those who drink to excess have the highest risk of developing it.7

Are Hormones Connected to the Risk for Colon Cancer?

Cancer.Net reports that more than 90% of colorectal cancers occur in those over the age of 50.8 The average age in the US is 72. In various studies, investigators have found a possible link between sex hormone depletion and cancer of the colon. A great deal of research over the past several decades has been directed to the role hormones and hormone replacement can play in reducing the risk of developing colorectal cancer.

A Swedish study published in 1992 reported evidence that postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy might reduce the risk of colorectal cancer.9 In other research, the risk of colon cancer was seen to decrease by almost 50% in women who were recent users of HRT.10 A review of literature dating January 1966 to September 1998 came to the conclusion that based on both biologic evidence and observational studies, women taking postmenopausal HRT had a reduced risk of colorectal cancer.11

Building evidence would suggest that, along with cancer screenings and lifestyle changes, men and women who are approaching the age of andropause and menopause would do well to have their hormone levels monitored. Research shows that there are many health benefits to restoring physiologic blood levels of testosterone and estradiol, colon health among them.

Don’t Wait!

If you are age 40 or beyond, it’s a good time to have your hormone levels tested. It’s also a good idea to do some homework on hormone replacement. Look for an expert who understands the importance of restoring hormonal balance and not merely treating symptoms. The type of hormones used and the delivery method can also make a significant difference in the outcome and health benefits you experience from hormone replacement.

SottoPelle® BHRT Pellet Experts

SottoPelle® has specialized in bioidentical hormone replacement using the pellet method longer than most. Our founder, Dr. Gino Tutera, developed the proprietary method that makes us a leader in our field. We have a long history of success when it comes to balancing hormones and helping people take control of their health. In fact, we are honored to say that, according to Ranking Arizona, an annual consumer publication by AZ Big Media, our patients have voted us Arizona’s #1 Hormone Therapy Clinic for two years in a row.

Call Us Today!

Consulting with an expert in SottoPelle’s science-based BHRT can go a long way in providing a healthier future for you. Learn more about SottoPelle® at and then give us a call at (877) 473-5538 to schedule a consultation.

3 Tuso PJ et al. Nutritional Update for Physicians: Plant-Based Diets. Perm J. 2013 Spring; 17(2): 61-66.
4 Millen AE et al. Fruit and vegetable intake and prevalence of colorectal adenoma in a cancer screening trial. AmJ Clin Nutr. 2007 Dec;86(6); 1754-64.
9 de Verdier MG, London S. Reproductive factors, exogenous female hormones, and colorectal cancer by subsite. Cancer Causes & Control (1992) 3: 355-360.
10 Nanda K, Fastian LA, Hasselblad V, Simel DL. Hormone replacement therapy and the risk of colorectal cancer: a meta-analysis. Obstet Gynecol. 1999 May;93(5 Pt 2):880-8.
11 Grodstein F, Newcomb PA, Stampfer MJ. Postmenopausal hormone therapy and the risk of colorectal cancer: a review and meta-analysis. Am J Med. 1999 May; 106(5):574-82.