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Melissa’s Story:
The hot flashes were coming hard and fast. My husband, who’s suffered through each one with me, jokingly said that he could set his watch by me, because I was having a hot flash every hour on the hour! He felt so bad for me. He said if he had to go through that, with the hot flashes and night sweats, he’d lose his mind.

Well, it kinda felt like I was losing my mind. I couldn’t remember things, I was touchy, distracted, couldn’t sleep well. And those were the things I recognized. There were other symptoms of menopause that I didn’t even realize were happening, or I just thought they were normal.

That’s until I came to SottoPelle! My first appointment with Steve was on January 2nd. On January 5th, I realized I wasn’t having hot flashes, and I’d slept through the night with NO night sweats!!!

Hallelujah!!! I’ve got a normal, wonderful life again!! The extra pounds I was carrying around came off and my increased energy levels help me be better for my husband, my puppy and of course my job. And now that my husband sees the energy and positive attitude I have, he’s coming to see you too. Just to keep up with me!!

Thank you, SottoPelle!!

Melissa Sharpe
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Listen to Melissa’s Testimonial Here